“We Sing” Wednesday – The Smile Song

This week’s song has a special place in my heart. I learned it from my grandpa. He was a happy, joyful man who LOVED the Lord.

Walt and Erva Coffman, September 3, 2001

Walt and Erva Coffman,
September 3, 2001

He was very friendly and would strike up a conversation with anyone he encountered.This song reminds me of him and the excellent example he set of joy and a positive outlook on life.

For a special treat today, I’m including audio of Grandpa Walt singing this song. It was recorded in my dad’s recording studio (Rolltop Music), in the beginning of 2002, only months before he died in June of the same year.

I still miss him.


The Smile Song

There are many troubles that will burst like bubbles
There are many shadows that will disappear.
When you learn to meet them
With a smile to greet them,
For a smile is better than a frown or tear.
You can smile when you can’t say a word,
You can smile when you cannot be heard;
You can smile when it’s cloudy or fair,
You can smile anytime, anywhere.


Filed under "We Sing" Wednesday

3 Responses to “We Sing” Wednesday – The Smile Song

  1. Love it! I also was blessed by this couple! Precious saints! Thanks for sharing…….I want to teach this to my grandchildren

  2. Stacie Earley

    Oh what a neat legacy to listen to, thank you so much for posting this Christina! (I think it may have even brought a tear to our eyes) Our boys were able to listen to it as well and hear the voice of their Great-Grandpa 🙂

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